“Clarity and security give you more energy and success”

Executive coaching

Those of us within management roles often find it difficult to see or to follow new pathways. These paths are often already known, it is just uncertain how they should be followed.Through internal or external coaching, we can assist those along this journey.

Through our external coaching we always associate ourselves with movement in nature, because physical movement promotes freedom for new patterns of thought and approcahes to solutions.

In partaking in easy hikes in the Salzburg Alpine World, one quickly is given the opportunity to take a step back from the pressures of everyday life and a chance to reflect on the management styles being used up to this point in time. With the help of our emotional and professional perspectives we can provide you with new approaches and methods to help work through these processes.

From our business understanding we define our work as "mountain guiding in the economy", where there is trust, security and progress from the people involved.

Executive Coaching is for us a specific (subject-related) or time-limited (process-related), personal and comprehensive care of people in leadership positions or teams.

Schedule of Executive Coaching:


Time periods:


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For further information I would be delighted to discuss with you personally and I am looking forward to your request.

I look forward to hearing from you.